Anyone working in or on trees is expected to hold a recognised certificate of competence. Tel: 0117 952 2475 Mobile: 07974 715099
Why do I need training?
Training is a legal requirement. The provision and use of work equipment regulations 1998 (PUWER) require employers and the self employed to provide adequate training and to ensure that chainsaws and related equipment are operated only by persons who have received appropriate training in their safe use. Anyone working in or on trees is expected to hold a recognised certificate of competence.
Also training has a positive impact on staff. They become more skilled at their job. It makes them feel valued, by management. Productivity and independence are increased. Also accidents and injuries are reduced along with lost productivity.
About TreeSchool
Treeschool is a high quality arboriculture and forestry-training company offering a range of Lantra awards courses, followed by NPTC assessments if required. Courses are run in the Bristol area, but training can be run at your site if required.
The majority of courses are run by Terry McGovern, also additional staff are used with a particular specialism.
The basic qualifications for operating a chainsaw are:
Please look on the courses page for further information.